Monday, June 21, 2010 12:08 PM
Labels: Computer , Computer basic , CPU , Hardware , Input and Output Device , learn computers , Memory , online computer tutorials , online training , Software
Learn more About Computer -
What is Computer?
How does it works?
Why it is more useful in our life?
Should I learn computer or is it necessary to learn the usage of computers, what charges will I have to pay? What are the terms Hardware and Software commonly used? Many of us find cribbing with such type of common question and the answer is learn computers and shoot out the trouble.
Now Learning Computer means - to learn operation of computer. First chapter is History (which is already covered in previous post), further we shall study about computer, how does it works.
Computer is an electronic device which is used to process the information and transform in data. the term information is used prior to processing and lastly the word data is used, it means before processing the information (raw material) after processing it turns into data (transcribed form). Initially mechanism of computer machine is divided in to 5 major parts and those are-
The basic structure of computer is-
Above structure gives us the idea of mechanism behind building a computer, in previous blog, I have taken an example of manufacturing unit. Raw material that comes in to process, then it is processed using various supporting agents, then it turns into finished goods. The same concept is used to design the computer.
Input Device
- Input device is a part from where information is provided to compute. Best example are Keyboard, Mouse
CPU (Central Processing Unit)- CPU has three basic unit -
ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) - Process the information as pr the instruction received and supplies back to Control Unit.
Output Device - Here we the processed data as instructions are supplied through input device. Good examples are Monitor, Printer.
Now this make a clear picture, that what is computer and how does it works.
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